
Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Complaints

I'm tired of believe people when you know everything is a lie.  I'm tired of being told who I am. I'm tired of being the only one who helps out.  I'm tired of being ignored.  I'm tired of the rush.  I'm tired of making decisions.  I'm tired of not being on the beach.  I'm tired of feeling like someone else stuck in this place.  I'm tired of these people.  I'm tired of wearing jeans.  I'm tired of being pushed around.  I'm tired of not knowing what to do.  I'm tired of the rules.  I'm tired of routine.  I'm tired of waiting.  Maybe tomorrow I wont be so tired.


  1. Feel your life with stuff you enjoy! Seems like you dont get enough of "you" time!

  2. Being the responsible one dose suck! I get plenty of this. But like Augustine said: just get your self some "me" time. Smiling at the lies can be awfully tiring,"tired of believing people when you know everything is a lie."

  3. Loved your first line - "Im tired of believing people when you know everything is a lie." Good one.

  4. I am tired of being the only one that helps out. Why can't any other frieken person help the girl that dropped her papers or the confused substitute! Is it "not cool". Ugh!
